We're always welcoming new ventures to the IDEA family!

If you want to register your venture with us, you must:


Have a connection with Northeastern University

All prospective venture founders must have some connection with Northeastern University. You can be a student, alumni, or member of the faculty or staff.


Attend Ready Stage Orientation

These meetings take place every month in the IDEA Lab. We also provide a Zoom link for remote participation, ensuring that you can join us from anywhere, regardless of your location. This is a mandatory meeting to start with IDEA as we go more in depth about our stage-gate process and explain the crucial milestones to achieve in each.


Create your startup profile

To register your venture with IDEA, you need to create a  startup profile on our venture platform Babele. On Babele, you can go through course modules to learn about our venture process, connect with advisors, and engage with other startup founders in the community.

001 Hayden Hall
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA, 02115